join now teaser image Unlock exclusive rewards
  • Earn Avios on every booking
  • Enjoy award flights & upgrades
  • Pay with Cash + Avios & save
Unlock exclusive rewards
join now teaser image Join Privilege Club
  • Earn Avios on every booking
  • Enjoy award flights & upgrades
  • Pay with Cash + Avios & save
Join Privilege Club
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Total Avios balance
Total Avios balance

Conversion rates

Meera Rewards points
3,250 5,000
6,500 10,000
9,750 15,000
13,000 20,000
16,250 25,000
19,500 30,000
22,750 35,000
26,000 40,000
29,250 45,000
32,500 50,000
35,750 55,000
39,000 60,000
42,250 65,000
45,500 70,000
48,750 75,000
52,000 80,000
55,250 85,000
58,500 90,000
61,750 95,000
65,000 100,000
68,250 105,000
71,500 110,000
74,750 115,000
78,000 120,000
81,250 125,000
84,500 130,000
87,750 135,000
91,000 140,000
94,250 145,000
97,500 150,000
100,750 155,000
104,000 160,000
107,250 165,000
110,500 170,000
113,750 175,000
117,000 180,000
120,250 185,000
123,500 190,000
126,750 195,000
130,000 200,000
133,250 205,000
136,500 210,000
139,750 215,000
143,000 220,000
146,250 225,000
149,500 230,000
152,750 235,000
156,000 240,000
159,250 245,000
162,500 250,000
165,750 255,000
169,000 260,000
172,250 265,000
175,500 270,000
178,750 275,000
182,000 280,000
185,250 285,000
188,500 290,000
191,750 295,000
195,000 300,000
198,250 305,000
201,500 310,000
204,750 315,000
208,000 320,000
211,250 325,000
214,500 330,000
217,750 335,000
221,000 340,000
224,250 345,000
227,500 350,000
230,750 355,000
234,000 360,000
237,250 365,000
240,500 370,000
243,750 375,000
247,000 380,000
250,250 385,000
253,500 390,000
256,750 395,000
260,000 400,000
263,250 405,000
266,500 410,000
269,750 415,000
273,000 420,000
276,250 425,000
279,500 430,000
282,750 435,000
286,000 440,000
289,250 445,000
292,500 450,000
295,750 455,000
299,000 460,000
302,250 465,000
305,500 470,000
308,750 475,000
312,000 480,000
315,250 485,000
318,500 490,000
321,750 495,000
325,000 500,000

Convert Avios into Meera Rewards points

To start converting your Avios, please enter your Meera Rewards number.

The club membership number must consist of 16 digits.

The Meera Rewards number entered matches another account. Please enter your correct number to convert.

Check that the Meera Rewards number was entered correctly and try again.

Your balance: 9,000 Avios

You need a balance of at least 3,250 Avios to convert Avios into Meera Rewards points.

Select {0} Avios or less to convert into Meera Rewards points.

View conversion rates

By converting Avios into Meera Rewards points, or Meera Rewards points into Avios, I agree to the Privilege Club Terms and Conditions.

You can also convert Meera Rewards points into Avios.

More information about conversions

  • Convert Avios into Meera Rewards points

    Collect 5,000 Meera Rewards points for every 3,250 Avios that you convert. All you need to do is follow these simple steps:

    Log in to your Privilege Club account and select ‘Redeem my Avios’ on your dashboard.

    Choose ‘Meera Rewards points’ from the dropdown under ‘Convert your Avios to partner points’.

    Enter your Meera Rewards number, select an amount of Avios to convert from the dropdown, and click on ‘Convert now’.

    Unlock rewards with Al Meera as your Avios will be converted into Meera Rewards points instantly.

  • Convert Meera Rewards points into Avios

    Earn 250 Avios for every 1,300 Meera Rewards points that you convert. Get started now or learn more about Meera Rewards.

  • Terms and conditions

    To be eligible for this offer customer needs to be a Meera Rewards Member with a valid Privilege Club account. 

    Once Avios is converted into Meera Rewards Points the Member’s Privilege Club account will be linked to the Meera Rewards account, future conversions of Avios to Meera Rewards Points will only be allowed to the same Meera Rewards account used for the first conversion.

    To unlink a Privilege Club account, Members should raise a service request or contact Qatar Airways.

    It will take up to minimum 7 working days and maximum 14 working days to process any unlinking request.

    Members can unlink their Privilege Club and Meera Rewards accounts no more than three times per year.

    A minimum of 1 block of 3,250 Avios is required to convert Avios into Meera Rewards Points, Avios can only be converted in increments of 3,250. Members will accrue 5000 Meera Reward Points for every 3,250 Avios converted.

    The maximum amount of Avios that can be converted to Meera Rewards Points per Member, per day is 100 blocks of Avios equivalent to 325,000 Avios.

    Privilege Club Members are responsible for the accuracy of the Meera Rewards account details when converting Avios to Meera Rewards Points.

    Meera Rewards Points will be credited to the Member’s linked Meera Rewards account up to 48 hours post a successful conversion.

    Qatar Airways Privilege Club general terms and conditions apply. Any capitalsed terms not otherwise defined in these Terms and Conditions shall have the same meaning as given in the Qatar Airways Privilege Club general terms and conditions. Once Avios are converted to Meera Rewards Points, Meera Rewards terms and conditions will apply.

    These Terms and Conditions are effective as of 30 July 2024.

    Qatar Airways is not liable for any rewards redemptions made through Meera Rewards. 

    Qatar Airways reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice or liability. 

    For missing Meera Rewards Points, please contact Al Meera Customer Service telephone: 40119011 – Email: customerservice@almeera.com.qa

  • Claim missing Avios

    You can claim missing Avios on your purchases.