我們已復飛超過130個航點,為需要的乘客提供服務。從台北、高雄、台中中轉香港及多哈飛往歐洲、美洲、中東、非洲,經濟艙來回含稅低至TWD 24,140*。
- 以上顯示優惠價格價格是從今天起未來 6 個月內特定路線的最低參考價格,並包含適用折扣、稅項及附加費。顧客請於預訂過程中,核對機票價格、各種稅項及附加費。
- 價格每日更新。
- 優惠機位受制於相關艙位預訂情況,售完即止。
- 有關改期、取消、誤機等機票條款,請參考具體預訂時的票價細則。
- Sales period: 8 - 14 February 2017.
- Travel period: 8 February - 15 December 2017.
- Discount applies to instant purchases only.
- Discount applies to return tickets.
- Valid when booking 2 tickets on the same flight
- Advertised fares are based on fees, taxes and airport charges. Fares subject to change without notice.
- Seats are limited and are subject to availability of the relevant booking class
- On selected routings, weekend surcharge may apply. Please refer to detailed fare rules before purchasing.
- Other terms & conditions apply. Please review at the time of booking.
- Sales period: 8 - 14 February 2017.
- Travel period: 8 February - 15 December 2017.
- Discount applies to instant purchases only.
- Discount applies to return tickets.
- Valid when booking 2 tickets on the same flight
- Advertised fares are based on fees, taxes and airport charges. Fares subject to change without notice.
- Seats are limited and are subject to availability of the relevant booking class
- On selected routings, weekend surcharge may apply. Please refer to detailed fare rules before purchasing.
- Other terms & conditions apply. Please review at the time of booking.