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ALL60431240 ALL54330180 ALL62332760 ALL59705690 ALL21786150 (DefaultValue) ALL11101210 ALL75955700 (DefaultValue) ALL65919200 (DefaultValue) ALL50312570 (DefaultValue) ALL54261150 (Default Value) ALL29548590 (Default Value)

Conditions d’entrée au Maroc

As per below directive entry restrictions amended and authorities has classified countries in two lists A and B , requirements as per hereunder :


1-Passengers from A list countries

All nationalities including Moroccans must hold a certificate of vaccination of two shots ( 4 weeks after second shot ) or a negative PCR test taken at most 72 hours before arrival

2- Passengers from B list countries


A-   Travelers from list B are called upon to provide a negative PCR test dating back less than 48 hours, noting that they are classified into 2 categories:

1- Holders of a certificate attesting that the person is vaccinated with one of the vaccines accepted in Morocco are exempt from quarantine.

2- Unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated people from list B must, for their part, observe a controlled quarantine of 10 days, at the expense of the interested parties, in the structures previously designated by the Moroccan authorities with a control PCR test. on the 9th day.

B-    All nationalities including Moroccans MUST hold Exceptional Authorization issued from Moroccan embassies.

C-    All nationalities including Moroccans , MUST hold a confirmed Hotel Quarantine booking for 10 Days in one of the following hotels :

-       Hotel ONOMO 3 stars – Nouaceur

-       Hotel ATLA 4 stars – Nouaceur

-       Hotel ONOMO 4 stars – Al Massira street Anfa

-       Hotel IBIS 3 stars – Center Casa port - Anfa

-       Hotel IBIS 3 stars -- Abdel Mounem street Anfa

-       Hotel DELTA ATLAS 3 stars – Mohamed V street – Anfa


B List countries : 

l’Afghanistan, l’Algérie, l’Angola, l’Argentine, le Bahreïn, le Bangladesh, le Bénin, la Bolivie, le Botswana, le Brésil, le Cambodge, le Cameroun, le Cap Vert, le Chili, la Colombie, le Congo, Congo (RDC), Cuba, Egypte, les Emirats Arabes Unis, Eswatini, Guatemala, Haïti, Honduras, l’Inde, l’Indonésie, l’Iran, l’Irak, la Jamaïque, le Kazakhstan, le Kenya, le Koweït, Lesotho, Lettonie, Liberia, la Lituanie, Madagascar, la Malaisie, le Malawi, les Maldives, Mali, les Iles Maurice, le Mexique, la Namibie, le Népal, le Nicaragua, le Niger, Oman, Ouganda, le Pakistan, Panama, le Paraguay, le Pérou, Qatar, la République Centrafricaine, la République Démocratique Populaire de Corée (Nord), la Russie, les Seychelles, le Sierra Leone, la Somalie, le Soudan, l’Afrique du Sud, le Sri Lanka, le Sud Soudan, la Syrie, la Tanzanie, Tchad, Thaïlande, Togo, Tunisie l’Ukraine, l’Uruguay, le Venezuela, le Vietnam, le Yémen, la Zambie et le Zimbabwe.

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