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Special limited-time offers
Now is the time to expand our dreams and encourage our imagination. Whether you are longing to discover new horizons or to reconnect with your favourite places, be inspired for the adventures to come with the airline you can trust.
Benefit from more options and greater flexibility for travel up to 31 December 2020. Expect the highest standards of hygiene and latest security measures as you journey with the largest and most experienced global airline flying consistently throughout.
Book your flights till 2 August 2020 for travel till 15 December 2020.
- Sales period: 27 July - 02 August 2020.
- Travel period: 27 July - 15 December 2020.
- Fares shown are the lowest adult return prices per person for a specific route in the next 6 months from today.
- Fares shown include taxes, fees, and airport surcharges, and are subject to availability.
- Fares are refreshed daily.
- Seats are subject to availability
- Seasonal surcharges, weekend surcharges, and blackout dates apply.
- Tickets are non-endorsable and non-transferable.
- Cancellation and change fees apply, please refer to the fare rules at the time of booking.
- Other terms and conditions apply. Please refer to the fare rules at the time of booking.
- For full terms and conditions, please review at the time of booking.